Our Coffee

Our coffee is sourced from our very own washing station and vertically integrated sites. Our suppliers are local smallholder farmers who hand us off handpicked quality coffee cherries. During harvest season we get about 150 farmers supplying us.

The coffee we supply also comes from vertically integrated sites. This makes it easier for us as well as our buyers to trace the coffee and know the origin as we don’t commercially purchase coffee. These sites apply just as much care and diligence to buy and process the coffee as we do that we gain full confidence in the products we obtain from them. 

Our washing station

. The washing station is located adjacent to the Bulota River. We have a capacity of 5,000 kg/hr; wet mil industry overlying on 3 hectare area land. As it takes plenty of man labor to process a coffee cherry, there are 250 seasonal workers at our washing station of which 200 of them comprises of females and 15 permanent workers. These workers start work once harvest season approaches and work on the washing sites by preparing the fermentation tanks, raised beds and channels so no time is wasted once the coffee cherry arrives. Once everything is prepared and the coffee cherry arrives we go ahead and start our washing process.


Our washing station is located in the welle magado kebelle, Hokko Woreda, Bensa Zone, Sidama region, Ethiopia. It is located at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level. The average annual rainfall of the area is 1208.5mm. The average annual temperature of the woreda is 18ºC. The dominant soil type in this area is loam soil. It is located at an ideal location where coffee grown at that area contains a distinct flavor and aroma.