
Coffee as part of the social entity in Ethiopia

       Coffee is one of the oldest drinks to connect itself to a social activity, the social activity of drinking together. Coffee provides a rich atmosphere for socialization. If you’re feeling a little tired, need some additional attention-span assistance, or simply want an excuse to socialize, coffee can be the answer. Historically, coffee houses have acted as places to meet, socialize, be entertained and exchange ideas. Drinking coffee can give you a chance to get to know one another, catch up on each other’s lives, or talk about different kinds of things. This aspect of coffee drinking is as important as the energy boost acquired as we are social beings.

Writing in Practical Ethics, a publication of the University of Oxford, Nadira Faber, a researcher in experimental psychology, explores the idea that the group dynamic goes more smoothly when participants are caffeinated, not just because caffeine drinkers were more alert and less tired, but more sociable as well. It’s almost as if coffee is meant to be a social beverage and is enjoyed best in that manner. Another study has suggested that over time, social isolation may be associated with poorer cognitive function in older adults. Therefore our coffee drinking habits can significantly aid our chances of socializing because if we are going to drink coffee to get through the day, we might as well do it with loved ones and acquaintances for the extra benefit.

Meeting up for coffee also eases the burden of meeting up with people, you don’t need to clear out your whole morning or afternoon, and you don’t need to break the bank or a diet one might be on. It’s not a huge commitment; it can be quick and precise. In Ethiopia people socialize over coffee almost everywhere. It’s safe to say every household is a coffee drinker and this happens after breakfast before work or after lunch at home with a whole ritual associated with it. People drink coffee sitting down with family for the soul purpose of drinking coffee. Neighbors are invited to join; it becomes a whole ritual at least once a day. The youngest of the house is sent all over the neighborhood to invite people over. As People gather they talk, laugh, resolve problems, discuss work, provide insights about saving money and so on. This goes on for hours; they go for rounds up to 3 cups of coffee. There is a snack served along with it; the feeling is one pertaining all to itself. And at work after lunch people gather to go to a coffee shop and drink, take a break and talk.

In conclusion, coffee ceremonies in Ethiopia are a time to relax and to take a break from the stresses of daily life. Done on a daily basis, it forges a strong bond between neighbors as it conveys a sense of ritualism and hospitality since it is performed in a particular fashion that needs to be satisfied each time.

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